Particle Swarm Optimization ( PSO) algorithm for solving multiple Nash equilibrium solutions of bimatrix game is presented in this paper. 提出了一种求解双矩阵对策多重纳什均衡解的粒子群优化算法。
Thirdly, the model solves the problem that multiple Nash equilibrium occurs in the game results by risk-dominant mechanism, and then the optimal solution could be obtained. 第三,模型通过使用风险占优机制来解决博弈结果存在多重纳什均衡的问题,从而选择出最佳应急物资调度方案;
Determination of volatimatter in Vinegar by Headspace/ CGC and Multiple Phase Equilibrium 多次相平衡液上毛细管气相色谱法测定食用醋中的挥发成分
Research on Principle of Multiple Drive Power Equilibrium for Belt Conveyor 带式输送机多机驱动功率平衡调整原理的研究
Continuous Network Design under Elastic Demand and Stochastic Multiple User Equilibrium 弹性需求和多用户随机平衡下的连续网络设计
At the same time, this paper also predicts the possibility of exist of economic multiple equilibrium from a new perspective. 同时,本文也从崭新的视角预测了经济多重均衡存在的可能性。
A Multiple Equilibrium Model with Anticipation: Market Structure and Power Structure& The Political Economy of International Oil Price Fluctuations 加入预期因素的多重均衡模型:市场结构与权力结构&国际市场油价波动的政治经济学分析
The harmonic control problem between two second-order pendulum-like systems with multiple equilibrium points are investigated. 研究了两个具有多平衡态的非线性二阶类摆系统互助合作问题,此类组合问题可以看成是相互独立的子系统之间的协调控制问题。
We evaluated the left ventricular function of acute myocardial infarction patients given thrombolytic therapy with urokinase by multiple gated equilibrium cardiac blood pool imaging. 应用门电路平衡法心血池显像,对急性心肌梗死经尿激酶静脉溶栓治疗患者测定其左心室功能。
Multiple Vapor-liquid Phase Equilibrium in Hydrogen Preparation from Glucose in Supercritical Water 超临界水葡萄糖制氢中的多元气液相平衡
In this paper the noncooperative differential games model of the market price in the multiple buyers is established, a Nash equilibrium of the optimal open-loop strategies is reduced, which is applied to the pricing process of the national apple base. 本文建立了市场价格多买方的非合作微分对策模型,推导了Nash平衡开环最优解,并应用于国家苹果基地苹果价格的制定过程。
In the model with fixed cost and payoff of speculative attack, when the fundamental is in crisis zone, the uncertainty of fundamental cannot eliminate multiple equilibrium. 在货币投机攻击成本和收益固定的模型中,经济基本面处于危机区时,基本面的不确定性并不能消除多重均衡;
A multiple reactions, which consists of a consecutive and a equilibrium reaction, is divided into three types of apparent consecutive reactions, and the mathematical models for calculating the optimal unconversion fraction and total yield correspondingly, are established. 本文把连串、平衡反应构成的复杂反应系统区分为三种不同类型的表观连串反应,分别建立了计算最佳未转化率和最佳工程收率的数学模型。
This article contains two parts, the first part is model, we discuss single section and multiple sections equilibrium and development path. 本文分为理论模型和实证分析两部分:第一部分是理论模型,分单部门模型和多部门模型两种,而多部门模型又包括最优均衡增长模型和大道模型。
Consulting to the methods of macro economic forecast and traffic demand forecast, a regional logistics demand analysis model is found combining multiple zones input output model with spatial price equilibrium model. 本文参考了宏观经济预测和交通需求预测的有关方法,构造了多区间投入产出模型和空间价格均衡模型相结合的区域物流需求分析模型。
The Multiple Equilibrium States of China's Regional Economic Development and the Omen of Changes 中国区域经济发展的多重均衡态与转变前兆
Determination of volatile hydrocarbons and their partition constants using multiple phase equilibrium/ headspace GC 多次相平衡/液上色谱法的原理与实验&水中挥发烃及其分配常数的测定
Aiming at a class of nonlinear system with multiple equilibrium points. we present a dual-mode model predictive control algorithm with extended terminal constraint set combined with control invariant set and gain schedule. 本文针对一类具有多个平衡点的非线性系统,结合控制不变集与和增益调度算法,提出了一种基于扩张终端约束集的双模预测控制设计方法。
Calculation and application of the equilibrium constant of the multiple ion equilibrium 多重离子平衡的平衡常数的计算和应用
Multiple equilibrium is an important part in the theory of equilibrium of solution. The writer discusses the multiple equilibrium in solution by analysing the example of adding ammonia liquor into Cu ( NH 3) 2+ 4 solution. 溶液中的多重平衡是溶液平衡理论的重要内容,通过对往铜氨溶液中加入氨水例子的分析,讨论溶液中的多重平衡。
Theory of multiple-level equilibrium in Inorganic Chemistry 无机化学中的多重平衡
Multiple melting and determination of equilibrium melting point of polybutylene terephthalate 聚对苯二甲酸丁二酯的多重熔融及其平衡熔点测定
The outstanding advantage of the above-mentioned equations lies in their being susceptible of addition. So these content equations are convenient for the calculation of any multiple equilibrium system of mixed acids and bases. 上面各种类型的含量方程式的优点是它们的可加性,因此这些方程式可以对任何复杂的酸碱平衡体系进行计算。
According to the principles of Gibbs function variation in the multiple ion equilibrium system and the relation between Gibbs function variation and equilibrium constant, this paper introduces the calculation method of the equilibrium constant of the multiple ion equilibrium. 根据多重离子平衡体系中Gibbs函数变及其与平衡常数关系的原则,提出多重离子平衡的平衡常数的计算方法。
The Rule of Multiple-Equilibrium and its Applications 多重平衡规则及其应用
As a sophisticated process with multiple flows, crystallization is fundamentally governed by thermodynamics equilibrium and process kinetics. 结晶是一种复杂的多相流过程,取决于平衡热力学和过程动力学。
For optimization of supporting point position in stake anchor bracing design, taking a detailed project as an example, the authors use a method to calculate that equivalent beam and multiple target optimization design are combined with limiting equilibrium and multiple target optimization design. 针对桩锚支护结构设计中支点位置的优选问题,以一个具体工程为实例,分别采用等值梁和极限平衡两种方法与多目标优化设计方法相结合进行计算。
The Multiple Objective Linear Programming Model for the Equilibrium Price and Risky Analysis of the Securities 研究证券均衡定价和风险分析的多目标线性规划模型
In the framework of the model, we make the simplest model which has a hypothesis of complete information and get a conclusion of the existence of multiple Nash equilibrium. 在模型分析方法框架下,本文首先设定了一个完全信息假设前提下的最简单模型,得出了多重纳什均衡的存在。
This paper reviews the telecom regulation theory concerned and its development, and by applying institutional economic theory, argues that telecom regulation, as an institutional equilibrium, is an overall system arrangement whose variance is fraught with multiple equilibrium and path dependence. 本文回顾了有关电信管制理论及其发展,通过运用制度经济学理论分析了电信管制作为一种制度均衡,是整体性的制度安排,其变迁存在着多重均衡和路径依赖。